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International Forfaiting Association (IFA) and International Factors Group (IFG) sign cooperation agreement.


The International Forfaiting Association, IFA, is the worldwide trade association for commercial companies, financial institutions and intermediaries engaged in forfaiting. Founded in August 1999 and with more than 140 members the IFA aims to foster business relationships and enable best practice among those engaged in the ever-expanding, global forfaiting community.

IFG, the International Factors Group, is the global trade association that represents and promotes the interests of the factoring, invoice finance and asset based lending industry on a global basis. It brings like-minded organisations together to network, educate and influence, all with a common goal of building the reach and impact of the Receivables Finance Industry in the support of economies, growth and employment. IFG currently has 160 members in over 60 countries.


For more information please contact:

Mr Paolo Provera,

President IFA – International Forfaiting Association




Mr Erik Timmermans,

Rep. Secretary General IFG –International Factors Group




Source: IFG

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